

/c3 瑞獅起舞,慶祝金門幸運簽語餅公司開業60周年隆重舉行。本報資料圖片/記者黃偉江攝

上週,我們宣布了兩個最新由州政府給予的「家居鑰匙計劃」撥款,以支援購買和運營12街333號和Mission 街5630號等兩個地點,這將為無家可歸者增加250個新房屋單位,其中亦包括第一棟專門用於服務家庭的大廈。 這些收購是三藩市無家可歸者復甦計劃的一部分,該計劃包括20多年來最大的永久支援住房一次性擴張。


根據我的無家可歸者復甦計劃,政府設定的目標是在兩年內購買或租用1,500個新的永久支援住房 。 當該計劃於2022年6月30日結束時,市內已增加了2,918個永久支援住房單位,比目標高出95%。 這些單位包括政府直接購買的房產、專門為租戶而設的租金券,以及市府支援購買的其他房產。

「家居鑰匙計劃」由加州住房和社區發展局管理,為州、地區和各地公共機構提供資源以開發不同方式的住房。 「家居鑰匙計劃」建基於「房間鑰匙計劃」成功,是一項全州性的努力,旨在維持和迅速擴大為無家可歸或面臨無家可歸風險人士而設的住房。

12街333號得到 5千670 萬元的「家居鑰匙計劃」撥款:透過200個多房間單位為無家可歸家庭提供永久友援住房,從兩到五房間不等,收購City Gardens是第一個透過收購過程購買專門為家庭提供住房和服務。 該大廈於2021年竣工,包括一個大廳和社區空間、每層樓都配有居民休息室、屋頂露臺、辦公室、單車存放處和一個後院。 市府目前正在選擇長期物業管理合作伙伴和社區服務提供機構。

Mission 街5,630號獲得了1 千680萬元的「家居鑰匙計劃」撥款:一家擁有52個房間的汽車旅館,以前被稱為Mission Inn,將提供可負擔單位和即場社區服務,以幫助過渡年齡的青年住戶獲得和維持穩定住房。 根據其狀況、位置、價格和滿足無家可歸者需求的能力,該房產亦此被優先收購。 Dolores Street Community Services將運營該地點,Larkin Street Youth Services 提供即場社區服務。 Mission Housing 將管理其修復工作。

這項州政府撥款正幫助我們實現及遠超出為三藩市最初為無家可歸者而設的住房目標。 我們亦正專注於擴充住房和提供資源以防止一些居民成為無家可歸者,但我們深明住房才是結束無家可歸的關鍵。



三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Working with the State to help address homelessness

By Mayor London Breed

Last week, w announced two new state Homekey awards to support the purchase and operation for two properties, 333 12th Street and 5630 Mission Street, which would add 250 new homes for people experiencing homelessness, including the first building dedicated to families. These acquisitions are part of the City’s Homeless Recovery Plan, which includes the largest one-time expansion of Permanent Supportive Housing in over 20 years.

With this latest round of support from Governor Newsom’s Project Homekey, the state has now helped us secure nearly 800 new homes for people experiencing homelessness.

Under my Homelessness Recovery Plan, the City set a goal of buying or leasing 1,500 new units of PSH over the course of two years. When the plan ended on June 30th 2022, the City had expanded the PSH portfolio by 2918 units, exceeding the goal by 95%. These units include a mix of properties purchased directly by the City, tenant-based rental vouchers, as well other properties where the City has supported the purchase.

Administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), Homekey equips state, regional, and local public entities to develop a wide range of housing types. Homekey builds on the success of Project Roomkey, which is a statewide effort to sustain and rapidly expand housing for persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.

333 12th Street awarded $56.7 in Homekey funding: Providing PSH for families exiting homelessness through 200 multi-bedroom units, which range from two-five bedrooms, the acquisition of City Gardens is the first exclusively family serving PSH building purchased through the acquisition process. The building, which was completed in 2021, includes a large lobby and community space, resident lounges on every floor, roof terrace, offices, bike storage, and a landscaped courtyard. The City is currently in the process of selecting a long-term property management partner and onsite social service provider.

5630 Mission Street awarded $16.8 in Homekey funding: A 52-room motel formerly known as the Mission Inn, will provide affordable units with onsite social services to help transitional age youth tenants gain and maintain housing and stability. This property was prioritized for acquisition based on its condition, location, price and ability to meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness. Dolores Street Community Services will operate the site and Larkin Street Youth Services will provide the on-site social services. Mission Housing will manage the rehabilitation of the property.

This state funding is helping us to make a dramatic expansion beyond our initial housing goals for those who are homeless in San Francisco. We are focused on expanding shelter and providing funding to prevent people from becoming homeless in the first place, but we know that housing is still key to ending homelessness.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

