




該公債將投資1.67億元,以確保安全、有韌力和大 化的公共衛生基礎設施。這包括翻新和擴建華埠公共衛生局,該局每年接待超過10,000名病人,配備一套具有文化價值的方式提供服務,而其中80%的病人以粵語、國語或台山話作為主要語言。公債也將包括對本市兩家最大公共衛生機構三藩市總醫院和Laguna Honda 醫院進行改建和重要修葺。




公債將投資7000萬元用於巿內的街道基礎設施,透過提供街道安全項目和道路鋪設。提供專款改善街道和人行道設計,以及為安全街道提供改進,包括更安全的行街道、行人道和道路安全,以及道路鋪設的資金。它將為交通安全和道路設計改進提供額外資金,例如在海邊公路延伸路段關閉後改善Sloat 大道的路口,同時確保市民更安全地進出三藩市動物園。


該公債將投資於改善三藩市的市政空間,供所有人享受並提供受歡迎的聚會場所。這將包括投資2.5億元翻新Harvey Milk廣場,其中包括改善露台、無障礙通道改善和過境設施的安全升級。它將資助市中心公共空間的改善,包括在 Hallidie 廣場進行工作,以改善廣場並修復電梯。




三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德



November Bond supporting a healthy and vibrant San Francisco

By Mayor London Breed

My fellow San Franciscans,

Last week, I released my plans for a bond for the November ballot that will support a healthy, vibrant San Francisco. The bond would fund key health and shelter infrastructure, street safety and road repaving, and public space improvements across San Francisco.

The $360 million bond funding would be spread across four main categories:

Expanding and Strengthening Public Health

The bond will invest $167 million in ensuring safe, resilient, and accessible public health infrastructure. This includes renovating and expanding the Chinatown Health Clinic, which has more than 10,000 patient visits annually being served in a culturally competent manner, 80% of whom speak Cantonese, Mandarin, or Toishanese as a primary language. It will include retrofitting and making critical repairs to Zuckerberg General Hospital (ZSFG) and Laguna Honda Hospital (LHH), the City’s two largest public health institutions.

Supporting Homeless Families

The bond will invest $50 million in ending family homelessness. San Francisco currently provides over 330 units in family shelter and transitional housing and over 2,300 units of family housing in the Homelessness Response System. The bond will dedicate funding to address the increasing need for family housing and shelter, including potential site acquisition or renovation.

Delivering Street Safety and Road Repaving

The bond will invest $70 million in our street infrastructure by delivering street safety projects and road repaving. It will dedicate funding to improve street and sidewalk design and improvements for safe streets, including safer crosswalks, sidewalks, and road safety, and funding for road repaving. It will provide additional funding for traffic safety and road design improvements, such as intersection improvements at Sloat Blvd to improve traffic circulation after the Great Highway Extension closure while ensuring safer access to San Francisco Zoo.

Revitalizing Public Spaces

The bond will invest in making improvements to San Francisco’s civic spaces that are enjoyed by all and provide welcoming gathering spaces for the public. This will include investing $25 million in the renovation of Harvey Milk Plaza, which includes improvements to the terrace, accessibility improvements, and security upgrades at the transit facilities. It will fund improvement to Downtown public spaces, including work at Hallidie plaza to improve the plaza and repair the elevator.

We are working every day to make San Francisco a vibrant and healthy city. This bond will invest in our critical infrastructure and advance projects that create jobs and prioritize important civic needs. It will create safer streets and smoother roads, deliver welcoming and vibrant plazas and public spaces, support families, and strengthen our public health institutions that serve all of our residents. This is how we build a stronger, thriving San Francisco.”

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

