

我們知道三藩市不僅僅是一個世界級目的地,我們的城市是世界各地城市的全球合作伙伴。 我們是通往亞太地區的門戶,也是美國最古老華埠的所在地,也是世界人工智慧之都。


亞太經合組織會議對我們來說是一個重要時刻,展示了我們城市和社區最好的一面。 隨著三潘向前邁進,我們必須繼續在合作承諾的基礎上再接再厲,為更多有利於居民和商戶的機會鋪路。

正因如此,我很榮幸地帶領一個代表旅遊、藝術和文化、科技和商業等行業的多元化代表團前往中華人民共和國幾個城市,包括深圳、廣州、北京和上海。 我們很感激有機會與當地官員、社區和商業領袖交流想法和建立聯繫。

在這些城市的經驗也揭示了我們許多共同的目標和價值觀 —— 如創新、商業和經濟實力等。 我希望這次外訪可再次強調我們在世界各地建立牢固夥伴關係的重要性,這將帶來文化聯絡和經濟機會。


近一年前,也在11月的亞太經合組織之前,我們一直與本地亞裔社區密切合作爭取熊貓,而我們首次被選為大熊貓的長期家園實是一種榮譽。 三藩市是一個國際目的地,也是通往亞太地區的門戶——在這裡擁有大熊貓將加強我們已經深厚的文化聯繫,並尊重我們歷史悠久的中華文化。 我們準備歡迎來自世界各地的遊客來到我們美麗的動物園。 這是一個重要的機會,而我深信許多人都迫不及待地想在三藩市見到大熊貓。




三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Trip to China

My fellow San Franciscans,

We know that San Francisco is more than a world-class destination, and our City is a global partner to cities around the world. We are the gateway to the Asia Pacific and home to the oldest Chinatown in the United States, and the AI capital of the world.

Last November, San Francisco successfully hosted APEC when leaders and delegations from 21 member economies by providing a platform for them to discuss issues that these leaders care about, and further strengthening people to people exchanges among so many places from around the world.

APEC was a big moment for our City as we showcased the best of our city and community. As San Francisco is moving forward, we must continue to build on that commitment to collaborations to pave the way for more opportunities that benefit our residents and merchants.

That’s why I was honored to lead a diverse group of delegation which represents sectors like tourism, arts and culture, tech and business to visit cities in the People’s Republic of China including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai. We were grateful to have had to opportunities to exchange ideas and make connections with local officials, community and business leaders.

Spending time in these cities also revealed many of our shared goals of and values of innovation, business and economic strength. My hope for this trip is to reemphasize the importance of creating strong partnerships around the world that will yield both cultural connections and economic opportunities.

I am thrilled that San Francisco Zoo has been selected to receive Giant Pandas as part of China’s Panda Diplomacy program.

We have been working closely with our local API community to advocate for pandas nearly a year ago leading up to APEC in November, and it’s an honor that our City has been chosen for the first time to be a long-term home for Giant Pandas. San Francisco is an international destination and the gateway to the Asia Pacific – having pandas here will strengthen our already deep cultural connection and honors our Chinese and API heritage that is core to San Francisco’s history. We are ready to welcome visitors from all over the world to our beautiful zoo. This is a momentous opportunity that I am grateful for, I know I join so many who can’t wait to see them in San Francisco.

This visit represents a monumental opportunity for San Francisco to stimulate economic growth, expand the City’s tourism market, and bolster diplomatic relations and cultural ties across the region in China, with a goal of bringing new businesses and industry to San Francisco’s Downtown neighborhoods and across the City, including Chinatown, Richmond, the Sunset and Visitacion Valley.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

