








隨著三藩市正密鑼緊鼓地實施由選民通過的新公共安全措施,2024年至今的最新犯罪數據持續改善。 2024年第一季度,與2023年第一季度相比,財產犯罪下降了32%,暴力犯罪下降了14%。 這方面在2023年已見到主要成效的基礎上進一步加強,當時市內除了2020年疫期期間的低犯罪率之外,還見證了十年來的最低犯罪率。


感謝本地執法機構的辛勤工作,包括三藩市警察局,三藩市縣警局,以及州和聯邦合作夥伴,加州公路巡警,加州國民警衛隊和毒品執法局。 三藩市地方檢察官和美國檢察官辦公室也繼續積極起訴包括毒品犯罪等案件。


‧ 作為跨部門打擊毒品市場的努力的一部分,三藩市警察局及縣警局在一天之內逮捕了54人,其中包括數十名逃犯

‧ 地檢官在針對三藩市成功起訴一宗在多個地點犯案的有組織零售盜竊案

‧ 地檢官辦公室指控了兩名涉嫌在毒品交易中持有幾乎兩磅芬太尼的毒販

‧ 美國檢察官辦公室在聯邦法院兩次成功對田德隆區毒販定罪

‧ 三藩市開始在全市100個十字路口安裝400台車牌識別攝像器

‧ 在列治文區破壞了20輛汽車案件中,三藩市警察局成功逮捕了一人

‧ 地檢官辦公室成功對一名涉及多宗汽車竊賊人定罪



通過共同努力,我們致力使三藩市成為居民,商業,上班一族和訪客展現一個更安全,更有活力的城市。 我們將繼續在各級政府之間協調,推出新的工具和政策,並支持我們的警員,縣警和律師在街上和法庭上的工作。



三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Safer San Francisco and Proposition E

My fellow San Franciscans,

As San Francisco prepares to implement new public safety measures approved by the voters, the latest crime numbers in 2024 continue to improve. In the first quarter of 2024, property crime is down 32% and violent crime is down 14% compared to the first quarter of 2023. This builds on major improvements seen in 2023, when the City saw decade low crime rates, except for 2020 during the pandemic shutdown.
While this is positive news, we have more work to do to make our city safer for all and we are not letting up. When you are a victim of a crime, statistics don’t matter, but we also know that our law enforcement agencies are working tirelessly to bring justice to victims and to protect our communities.

I want to thank the hard work of local law enforcement, including the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office, alongside their state and federal partners at the California Highway Patrol, California National Guard, and the Drug Enforcement Agency. The San Francisco District Attorney and U.S. Attorney’s Office also continue to aggressively prosecute cases, including drug crimes.

Recent examples of enforcement activities that have supported making San Francisco safer also include:
‧ SFPD and the SF Sheriff made 54 arrests in one day, including dozens of fugitives, as part of the City’s multi-agency drug market enforcement effort
‧ The District Attorney secured a conviction in an organized retail theft case that targeted multiple locations in San Francisco
‧ The District Attorney’s Office charged two individuals in connection to narcotics trafficking in the Tenderloin in possession of almost two pounds of fentanyl
‧ The US Attorney’s Office secured two separate convictions in federal court for individuals selling drugs in the Tenderloin
‧ San Francisco began installing 400 license plate reader cameras at 100 intersections across the city
‧ SFPD made an arrest in the Richmond District after someone vandalized 20 cars in the area.
‧ The District Attorney’s Office secured a conviction of a prolific auto-burglar

In March, voters approved Proposition E, which gives police officers access to 21st century technology and tools to do their jobs, changes rules to get more officers out on the street and pursue criminals and prevents the City’s Police Commission from prioritizing ideology before community safety. At my direction, SFPD has started creating a framework and is devoting resources to begin implementing Prop. E.

With the implementation of Prop E, the deployment of new public safety tools like Automated License Plate Readers, and the growing ranks in the Police Academy, the city will have expanded access to technology and more officers on the streets to make San Francisco safer as the year goes forward.

By working together, we are committed to making San Francisco a safer, more vibrant city for our residents, businesses, workers, and visitors. We will continue to coordinate across all levels of government, introduce new tools and policies, and support our officers, deputies, and attorneys doing the work on our streets and in the courtroom.
Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed
