




在打擊犯罪工作上,我們正在取得進展 ,同時亦發出了明確信息:三藩市不會容忍任何形式的犯罪活動。在我們繼續重建警隊人手的同時,亦要有智慧地結合科技用以支援警察每天照顧市內公共安全並逮捕那些認為可以在三藩市犯法的人。

正因如此,我自豪地在上週簽署了法案,允許三藩市警察開始安裝 400 臺自動汽車牌照辨識攝像機,以應對三藩市的公共安全問題。

該法案將為這些自動牌照辨識攝像機撥款,隨著去年 12 月簽署的法律後變更,警方現在可以開始在三藩市各個路口安裝 400 台新攝像機。


法律簽署 – 零售竊盜補助金:提供 400 台新的牌照辨識攝像機

該法案實施了三藩市由州政府授予的一項零售竊盜補助金。這 1730 萬元補助金是加州有組織零售竊盜補助計劃向全州各地的地方執法機構發放,以打擊有組織的零售竊盜。 三藩市警察局從有組織零售竊盜防治補助計劃獲得 1530 萬元,而地檢官辦公室則獲得 200 萬元。

此外,這筆撥款用於支付必要的設備和車輛,以增強我們的有組織零售竊盜和催化轉換器竊盜戰略的工作。其中包括 400 台自動牌照辨識攝像機,這些攝像機針對的是犯罪活動,而不是人,並有助於作為我們在三藩市推進建基於情報的警務工作的一部分,確保客觀證據的安全性。撥款還資助人手和犯罪分析。



這項新措施將有助於三藩市繼續在公共安全上取得進展,正如最近的假期季節一樣。在 2023 年 11 月 20 日至 2024 年 1 月 1 日這段時間內,與前一年同期相比,三藩市罪案率有所減少:

‧ 下降 48% —— 搶劫盜竊(包括零售竊盜和汽車爆竊)

‧ 下降17% ——汔車竊盜

‧ 下降 26% ——入室竊盜




三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Public Safety Legislation

My fellow San Franciscans,

We are making progress disrupting crimes and we are sending a message that San Francisco is not tolerating criminal activity of any kind. While we are continuing to build back our police force, it’s the smart thing to do to incorporate technology that supports the hard work our officers do every day to take care of our city and arrest those who think they can break the law in San Francisco.

That is why I was proud to have signed legislation last week to allow the San Francisco Police to begin installing 400 Automated License Plate Readers to address public safety issues in San Francisco.

This legislation will fund the Automated License Plate Readers cameras, with the law change signed into law in December, SFPD can now begin the process of installing 400 new cameras at intersections across San Francisco.

To ensure the cameras are installed as quickly as possible, I have directed my staff and departments to cut through red tape and any unnecessary delays. This includes working directly with the SFMTA and SFPUC, both of which have existing pole infrastructure that can be used to mount the cameras.

Law Signed – Retail Theft Grant: Providing 400 New License Plate Readers

The legislation enacts a state retail theft grant San Francisco was awarded by the State. That $ 17.3 million in grant funding from the State of California’s Organized Retail Theft Grant Program which provides funds to local law enforcement agencies across the state to combat organized retail theft. The SFPD has been awarded $15.3 from the Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program and the District Attorney’s Office is being awarded $2 million from the California Organized Retail Theft Vertical Prosecution Grant Program.

In addition, this money pays for essential equipment and vehicles to enhance operations as part of our organized retail theft and catalytic converter theft strategy. This includes 400 Automated License Plate Readers which target criminal activity, not people, and helps to secure objective evidence as part of our work to advance intelligence-led policing in San Francisco.?It also funds personnel and crime analysis.

The legislation I just signed follows on a separate law I authored and passed through the Board of Supervisors to give SFPD the authority to use this important public safety tool.

Building Progress on Public Safety

This new tool will help San Francisco continue to make progress on public safety, as it did during the most recent holiday season. Between November 20, 2023, and January 1, 2024, compared to the same time period the year before, San Francisco saw a:
48% reduction in larceny theft (includes retail theft and auto break-ins)
17% reduction in motor vehicle theft
26% reduction in burglaries

These license plate readers will play a critical role in disrupting retail theft, car break-ins, sideshows, and other criminal activity.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed
