




















三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德
Making it easier for small businesses

My fellow San Franciscans,

We are continuing to remove the barriers that get in the way of small businesses being able to open, take root, and thrive in our neighborhoods. Our goal is to be a city that says yes, and that starts with getting rid of the barriers and rules that too often lead to no.

That is why I was proud to sign two pieces of legislation to support small businesses, fill vacant storefronts, and encourage thriving neighborhoods in San Francisco. By making over 100 changes to the Planning Code to ease the permitting process for small businesses and by eliminating fees and streamlining rules around entertainment permits, San Francisco is continuing its progress to make it easier for small businesses to open and to thrive.

One of the plan’s nine strategies in my Roadmap to San Francisco’s Future is to make it easier to start and grow a business. Simplifying City processes while reducing cost will encourage more businesses to start and remain in San Francisco.

The Small Business Reforms legislation will facilitate easier permitting for small businesses, encourage economic recovery and growth, and fill commercial vacancies in San Francisco. Under the legislation, over 100 changes to the Planning Code will serve to ease restrictions across five main categories:
‧ Allow more business uses on the ground floor
‧ Lift restrictions on bars and restaurants
‧ Incorporate new liquor license for music venues
‧ Remove certain public notice requirements
‧ Enable priority processing for nighttime entertainment, bars, and restaurants

The Entertainment legislation will provide important relief to San Francisco nightlife and entertainment businesses by waiving permit fees so that businesses may continue to offer outdoor music and entertainment activities they began during the COVID-19 pandemic using the City’s innovative permitting program. It will also adopt numerous reforms to streamline the bureaucracy around entertainment permitting, saving business owners time and money by removing unnecessary referrals and hearings.

By changing our laws, eliminating fees, and focusing on keeping our neighborhoods safe, we can have thriving merchant corridors across San Francisco. We will continue to do just that.

I wish you a happy holiday season!

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.
London N. Breed
