






三藩市市立大學每年在全市的幾個教育中心為6萬多名學生提供服務,並提供250多個學位和證書、可轉讓學分、線上課程和職業晉升課程。 大學為居民提供了豐富的高等教育課程、職業培訓課程和培養新技能的機會。



雖然符合條件的學生可以透過「免費市立大學」獲得免費學費,但他們可能也會有些額外費用,如成績單、資料或延遲退學費。 即使餘額低至10元也可使學生無法在學院註冊任何課程。 有了這一項新撥款,2017年8月至2022年12月期間就讀市立大學的數千名學生賬戶中的餘款將被取消,使他們能夠再次註冊課程。


這進一步增強了一些在接受大學教育方面可能面臨挑戰的人獲得優質教育機會。 透過投資於所有年齡學生的學術潛力和夢想,我們繼續加強我們承諾,為所有人培養一個充滿活力和包容性的教育環境。



三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Student Fee Relief for City College Students

My fellow San Franciscans,

City College of San Francisco serves more than 60,000 students annually at several educational centers throughout the City and offers over 250 degrees and certificates, transferable credits, online courses, and career advancement classes. And it provides residents with enriching higher education classes, career training courses, and opportunities to build new skills.

It is important that we find ways to remove financial barriers that City College students face is crucial to their success.

That’s why in partnership with City College of San Francisco, we announced the relief of outstanding student fees for thousands of San Francisco residents who attended the College in the last five years. With a $2.1 million allocation in my most recent budget, more than 13,000 former City College students will once again be able to enroll in City College classes and continue pursuing their educations.

While eligible students receive free tuition through Free City College, they may accrue additional fees, such as transcript, materials, or late withdrawal fees. A fee balance of as little as $10 prevents a student from enrolling in any classes with the College. With this new funding allocation, thousands of students who attended City College between August 2017 and December 2022 will see holds lifted from their accounts allowing them to be able to once again enroll in classes.

With this funding, thousands of community members who couldn’t previously enroll in classes will now be able to continue their education.
This further enhances access to quality education for those who might otherwise face challenges in affording college education. By investing in the academic potential and dreams of our students of all ages, we continue to reinforce our City’s commitment to nurturing a vibrant and inclusive educational landscape for all.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed
