
















三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Moving Prop E Safer San Francisco Forward

My fellow San Franciscans,

Since the voters approved Prop E in March, my office and the San Francisco Police Department have been working to implement these changes by drafting new directives and including new funding in my new budget. The two key elements for implementing Prop E are moving forward at the Police Commission and Board of Supervisors.

To implement the new policies approved in Prop E, which will get more officers on the streets and help officers apprehend those who break the law, SFPD has introduced new Department General Orders (DGOs) for approval by the Police Commission. While the voters approved these policies, the Police Commission still must approve the DGOs within the scope of what the voters approved:

‧ Allow officers to actively pursue suspects of felonies and violent misdemeanors, including retail theft, vehicle theft, and auto burglaries, as long as the pursuit can be done safely.

‧ Eliminate duplicative and excessive reporting requirements to help free up officers to get them back on the street.

‧ Clarify the officers can use technological solutions like body-worn cameras to record incident information, instead of having to go back to the district station to fill out paperwork.

To fund new technologies approved in Prop E, including public safety cameras and drone technology, I included $3.7 million in my proposed budget that is yet to be approved by the Board of Supervisors. The Prop E implementation dollars will go towards one-time equipment purchase funding, including expanding the public safety camera network and the acquisition of drones to assist with investigations or as a first response in emergencies. It will also fund ongoing technology operations, which may include digital evidence management, video management, data analytics software, or maintenance of existing camera networks.

San Francisco has already seen improvements on public safety with other technologies being put in place. This includes the City’s Automated License Plate Readers. While separate from Prop E, these readers have led to a significant number of arrests and are representative of my approach to using technology to deter crime and support officers in making arrests.

These expansions of new public safety strategies will help San Francisco continue to prioritize and build on public safety progress. In the first six months of 2024, San Francisco has seen its lowest crime rate in 10 years. Compared to the same six-month period in 2018 before I took office, violent crime is down 26% and property crime is down 40%.

By freeing up officers to spend more time out in the community and giving them the tools to be more efficient and hold people accountable, we will make San Francisco safer. We’re already seeing the impacts this technology can have, leading to arrests and prosecutions.

We are approaching public safety with a broad strategy, including increasing enforcement and accountability, but also investing in alternatives to policing and investing in violence reduction programs. There is no one solution or strategy to public safety – it’s about tackling it from all angles to make all people feel safe while we continue to promote justice and implement reforms.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed

