




































三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Public Safety Budget
My fellow San Franciscans,

We have made real progress on public safety in San Francisco, but this is a moment to double down, not to let up.

Last week, I released my proposed public safety investments in my upcoming two-year. My budget will invest in building on the progress San Francisco has made on public safety by increasing staffing at the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), investing in the use of new public safety technology, and supporting public safety departments in their work to keep San Franciscans safe. Despite a significant budget deficit, we are not reducing funding for core City services including public safety. ?

Our continued focus and investments in public safety have delivered significant results:
San Francisco’s crime rate is at its lowest in 10 years
32% reduction property crime in 2024
14% reduction in violent crime in 2024
Gun violence is down 37% year to date, and San Francisco’s homicide clearance rate remains above 80%, far above the national average.
Coordinated efforts by local, state, and federal law enforcement initiated by my office to shut down open air drug markets have resulted in over 3,000 arrests over the last year?

This proposed budget will build on these efforts by increasing investments in San Francisco’s public safety departments to increase staffing, add new technologies, and continue unprecedented levels of coordination that are tackling San Francisco’s most significant public safety challenges. These investments will be part of my proposed budget.

Key Investments that the budget delivers:

Deliver my Police Full Staffing Plan
This budget funds my SFPD Full Staffing Plan. To achieve this, the budget funds four academy classes of 50 each over the next year as a baseline. If SFPD recruitment exceeds this goal, I am committed to funding more recruits. This budget enables the City to add 200 new officers by 2025 as part of my goal of reaching full staffing levels in three years.

Fund New Technology to Increase Safety and Deploy More Officers
Prop E, which was passed by the voters in March authorizes the Police Department to use new surveillance technology, including drones and public cameras. My proposed budget includes $3.7 million over two years for the department to implement these new technologies, starting with modernization and expanded use of existing public safety cameras and installation of new cameras in high-concern areas. As these new tools are integrated into department operations, deterrence and investigations will be made more efficient, allowing more officers to be back on patrol.

Sustain Unprecedented Coordinated Response to Shut Down Drug Markets
The Drug Market Agency Coordination Center (DMACC), established in May 2023, is the City’s comprehensive, multi-agency strategy to disrupt open-air drug markets, public drug use, and illegal fencing, especially in the Mid-Market and Tenderloin neighborhoods. In its first year, it led to over 3,000 arrests and 200 kilos of narcotics seized. My Budget funds the continuation of this work by Police, Sheriff, Emergency Management, Fire, and Public Works departments, along with state and federal partners.

Increase Sheriff Department Staffing
The proposed budget increases the Sheriff’s budget to help fill vacancies, including funding the new wage increases and new longevity pay incentives approved in the recent new contract with the Deputy Sheriff’s Association. While the Department increases hiring, the budget also expands overtime to cover operations.

Maintain Funding for all Public Safety Departments
The proposed budget maintains funding for the District Attorney, Public Defender, Adult Probation and Juvenile Probation, and San Francisco Fire Department ensuring that the entire public safety system remains intact. Critically, the funding ensures that recent increases to the District Attorney’s Office to focus on drug prosecution are maintained as part of the City’s overall response to drug enforcement.

Continue Safety Ambassadors and Civilianization to provide non-law enforcement response
The proposed budget continues and expands civilianization efforts and alternatives to law enforcement. This includes funding Police Service Aides, citywide Public Safety Community Ambassadors, and retired Police Officer ambassadors. It also continues to fund the City’s Street Response Teams, which provide non-law enforcement responses to 911 and 311 calls for people in behavioral health crisis and people experiencing homelessness.

Fully Staff San Francisco’s 911 Dispatchers to help improve response times
My proposed budget also includes funding to enable the Department of Emergency Management to fill three new dispatcher academies throughout the next year, with the goal of adding up to 45 additional dispatchers next fiscal year.
What we are doing is working, and we will build on that. This budget not only invests in having the workforce to keep our residents safe, but also in the technology, tools and teamwork to deliver results.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed
