























.部署根據通過了 E 提案後的新科技和警察法規









.30×30市中心願景 – 到2030年實現30,000名新居民和大學生





在過去的5年中,我們面臨了難以置信的挑戰,包括兩次空前的公共衛生危機 – 新冠病毒和芬太尼。而不是摧毀我們的城市,這些困難時刻的考驗都顯示了我們的力量,重建更強大和更美好社區的能力,以及我們對彼此的幫助。



三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

San Francisco is moving forward
My fellow San Franciscans,

Last Thursday, I delivered this year’s State of the City Address to present my vision for San Francisco to be a safer and a more welcoming City, a center of excellence and opportunity, and a city that drives the economy and future of the Bay Area and California.

San Francisco has gone through three phases, including a pandemic response, a recovery from the impacts, and currently, a time to find opportunities that will continue to lift up the City and position for a stronger future.

I’m tired of the people who talk about San Francisco as if our troubles are inevitable and our successes a fluke. Our successes are not a fluke, and they’re not fleeting. They’re the product of years of hard work, collaboration, investment, creativity, and perseverance. They’re the output of thousands of people, in government and out, who believe in service.

We must celebrate those who have worked to support San Francisco through its recent challenges and commended the workers, residents, businesses, and community partners who are committed to lifting up the City as efforts to move forward continue, despite others’ interest to create distracting and divisive rhetoric.

To move forward, San Francisco must embrace the changes we are making to become a city of yes. We must maximize our talent, creativity & spirit to build a stronger future.
We champion solutions that celebrate our strengths and overcome our challenges. Most importantly, we lead with pride and hope.

Our focus will continue to:
Deliver safer neighborhoods;
Help Downtown thrive;
Move people off the street into shelter & housing;
Remove fentanyl & drug use & get people treatment;
Support families and small businesses; and
Deliver on housing, transit, and public spaces

As we move forward, my vision for San Francisco has never been clearer. We have always and will continue to be a driver of change and innovation, where barriers are broken, and all people are lifted up and celebrated. Let’s continue to build the future together.

And thanks for our voters’ support in the election that took place last Tuesday. I will be moving forward the following Key Initiatives:

On Safety and Justice
Deploying new technology, police rules under Proposition E
Committing to reaching full police staffing
Completing 272 Department of Justice police reforms

On Treatment and Accountability
Expanding treatment options, including new beds possibly available under Proposition 1
Implementing treatment requirement for General Assistance under Proposition F
Expanding conservatorship petitions

On Reimagining Downtown
Supporting growth of new ideas and industries to help fill vacant office space
30×30 Downtown – 30,000 new residents and university students by 2030
Supporting new arts and entertainment to create a 24/7 neighborhood

On Addressing Homelessness
Opening hundreds of new shelter beds and homes this year
Setting a goal for Homeward Bound connections annually

We have faced incredible challenges in the past 5 years, including two unparalleled health crises—Covid & Fentanyl. Rather than destroying our City, these moments of tribulation have revealed our strength, our ability to rebuild stronger and better, and our service to each other.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.

London N. Breed
