





– 總體犯罪率 – 比2022年下降了7%,比2019年下降了13%

– 財產犯罪 – 低於過去十年的任何時期,除了2020年

– 暴力犯罪 – 仍然低於疫情前的水平,比2019年下降了11%









三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Public Safety Legislation

My fellow San Franciscans,

People who live, work, and visit San Francisco should feel safe and welcomed. We are a compassionate City. But people who are breaking the law and harming communities must be held accountable. In 2023, San Francisco saw its lowest crime level in the last decade, except for 2020 when the City shut down during the COVID pandemic. Improvements include:

Overall Crime – down 7% from 2022 and 13% from 2019
Property Crime – lower than any period in the last ten years, except for 2020
Violent Crime – Remains below pre-pandemic levels, down 11% from 2019

In addition, we have seen progress during the first three weeks of January 2024 as compared to this period in 2022, with property crime down by 41% and violent crime down 23%. While this is progress, we won’t let up. We don’t want anyone to be a victim in our City.

Earlier this month, I signed legislation to improve public safety by installing 400 new Automated License Plate Readers?(ALPR)?at 100 intersections across San Francisco. This technology will help address retail theft, break-ins, burglaries, and other public safety challenges. I have directed City agencies to incorporate the ALPRs as quickly as possible by mounting them on existing City infrastructure including SFTMA and SFPUC utility poles.

This type of technology will support the hard investigative work of our officers by helping apprehend offenders more quickly. The ALPR installation is funded through a $17.3 million grant from the State of California’s Organized Retail Theft Grant program and reinforces that our City does not tolerate crimes of any kind.

When we focus on investing resources, trying new strategies, and supporting our officers, we can attract candidates and grow police staffing. The message we are sending: the San Francisco Police Department is the best department to work for in the Bay Area and the State.

We are seeing results: this month, SFPD welcomed its latest Police Academy class, and now we have the highest number of cadets in training at one time since before the pandemic. We also are seeing lateral transfers, which means people transferring in from other jurisdictions.

We will continue to build on these efforts. I’m confident that 2024 will be by far our best year for police recruitment since before the pandemic.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.

London N. Breed
