




上週四,我發表了市情咨文演說講,闡述了我2023年的首要任務。 重點支持市中心未來的發展策略,推動在市內創造更多住房、更安全的社區,並重新努力應對市內的芬太尼危機。


我必須兌現居民要求重建警察部隊的訴求。 始終如一地推動警員足夠人數的努力,並且必須持續下去。 因為公共安全不僅關乎我們的居民,還關乎我們的經濟。

因此我本月稍後時將推出2 千5百萬元的補充預算,以幫助為警察人數嚴重短缺造成的警員加班提供撥款。 補充預算將確保警員能夠在面臨加班挑戰的同時繼續應對基本需求和要優先處理的問題。


我知道市內挑戰,但這並不代表市中心的終結。 事實是,「拯救市中心」不能只單靠一個方法,而是要透過不同方法。 市內的失業率保持在2%。 三藩市國際機場剛剛被評為全國最佳的機場。

這也是我宣布三藩市未來發展路線圖的原因,這是一個全面的計劃,詳細介紹了正在進行的新策略,為重新構思市中心的經濟復甦和作用設定了新的願景。 這是一個以招募新商業和公司千載難逢的機會,以創造一個更加多樣化和更有彈性的本地經濟。


我們需要更多的住房,這是三藩市勞動力基礎增長和經濟復甦的關鍵部分。 我的全民住房計劃將推進一項新策略,以重新制定市內的住房審批和流程,並在未來8年內允許82,000間新房屋,配合作為加州住房計劃的一部分。


面對了艱難的幾年,我們不會在一年內解決三藩市的所有問題,也不能害怕嘗試新事物。 站著不動,我們就會落後。即使跌倒了,也要向前推進。我知道我們可以克服這些挑戰,部分原因是透過去年連續四次選舉,選民重新灌輸了要求各級政府做好基本工作,兒童必須凌駕於政治之上,結果必須凌駕於姿態之上。



三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德


State of the City Address 2023

My fellow San Franciscans,

This past Thursday, I delivered the State of the City Address to set forth my top priorities for 2023. We are focusing on strategies to support the future of Downtown, advancing the City’s creation of more housing, safer neighborhoods, and renewed efforts to respond to the City’s fentanyl crisis.

Public safety

Our residents are demanding we build back the police force, and we need to deliver. The push for full staffing has to be consistent and it has to be sustained. Because public safety isn’t only about taking care of our residents – it’s also taking care of our economy.

That is why I will be introducing a $25 million budget supplemental later this month to help fund police overtime caused by the severe police staffing shortage. The supplemental will ensure that police officers are able to continue to respond to the basic needs and priority concerns while facing overtime challenges.

Future of Downtown

I know we have our challenges, but this isn’t an end to Downtown. The truth is it won’t be any one thing that ‘saves Downtown.’ It will have to be many things. Our city’s unemployment rate remains at 2%. Our airport was just named the best in the country. This City is ready to foster a spirit of success.

That’s also why I released the Roadmap to San Francisco’s Future, a comprehensive plan that details ongoing and new strategies that set a new vision to reimagine Downtown’s economic recovery and role. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to recruit new business sectors and companies to create a more diverse and resilient local economy.


We need more housing, a critical component to growing San Francisco’s workforce base and the economic recovery.  My Housing for All Plan, which will advance a strategy to rework the City’s housing approvals and processes, and allow for 82,000 new homes over the next 8 years as part of the State’s Housing Element.

To build these homes the plan calls for, we need to approve and build homes three times faster than we did over the last decade. And that’s in a market where, right now, builders are struggling to make any project financially feasible.

The last few years have been tough, we won’t solve all of San Francisco’s problems in a year, and we can’t fear trying new things. Because if we stand still, we fall behind. When we push forward, even if we stumble. I know we can overcome these challenges, in part because through four consecutive elections last year, our voters re-instilled every level of our government with a mandate to get the basics right, to put children before politics, to put results before posturing.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.



London N. Breed


