






首先,我在此感謝加州總檢察長邦塔(Rob Bonta ) 在剛過去的星期四到訪三藩市,與我共同主持了一次重要的圓桌會議,討論有關市內及州內見到的仇恨犯罪問題。作為加州首位菲律賓裔總檢察長和第二名亞裔總檢察長,邦塔明白不同地區內社區所面對的種種問題。




我們想發出一個明確的信息 —— 對我們任何社區內一分子攻擊,就是對我們所有人的攻擊。我們必定採取行動,團結起來,彼此合作。這項工作其中一例是與社區青年中心、安老自助處和預防街頭暴力計劃的成員一同擴大「預防街頭暴力計劃」。擴張的一部分包括在市內街區巡邏,以應對針對亞裔社區的罪案。該計劃的另一部分是護送及陪伴長者買 和看醫生,以便他們在外時感到安全。這兩項計劃的目標指在在不同社區之間建立信任,並提高市內的公共安全。

就在一個多月前,我與社區青年中心行政主任溫靜婷、其團隊及預防街頭暴力計劃成員一同與Leland街上的商家和客戶交談。我聽到商家和居民對社區青年中心和預防街頭暴力計劃的合作感到充滿希望。團結就是力量,而三藩市就正正能夠做到這一點。這也為我帶來希望 —— 我們正在改變現狀、而居民和商戶都感受到不同。透過我們的合作和投放資源,大家都致力於解決歧視,仇外心理和不公平的情況。





三藩市市長 倫敦.布里德

Working with California Attorney General Rob Bonta

By Mayor London Breed

I want to begin by thanking California Attorney General Rob Bonta for being with us this past Thursday and for co-hosting a critical roundtable discussion to discuss issues around hate crimes in the City and the State. As our state’s first Filipino American Attorney General and only second Asian American Attorney General, Attorney General Bonta knows the importance of the issues local communities face.

We have seen too many violent hate crimes against so many of our communities in the San Francisco, the Bay Area, and across our state and nation. In just a few short months on the job, he’s already taken action on a number of initiatives related to criminal justice reform and racial justice, which are issues this City cares deeply about.

Thanks to the commitment of the community leaders and Police Chief Scott, we had a very productive discussion on how we can continue to partner with one another to combat hate crimes. We know there is no shortcut to this work, and finding the root cause and solutions will require a continuation of these types of conversations and sharing of ideas.

To address hate crimes at their core, we need buy-in from local communities, support from law enforcement, and commitment from all levels of government. In San Francisco, we’re steadfast in ensuring every community is heard and protected. Whether it is work around violence prevention and racial justice, our partners standing behind us, with years of experience, have worked tirelessly in our communities and have collaborated with one another to help combat these issues.

We want to send a clear message – an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. We are taking action, banding together and partnering with us and one another. An example of our work is the expansion of the Street Violence Intervention Program with Community Youth Center, Self Help for the Elderly and members of the Street Violence Intervention Program. Part of this expansion includes patrolling neighborhoods in the City in response to crimes against our Asian community. Another part of the program is to help provide seniors with escorts to go with them while buying groceries and seeing doctors so they can feel safe when running their errands. Our goals with these two programs are to build trust among our diverse communities and increase public safety for everyone in San Francisco.

Just a little over a month ago, I was tagging along with Sarah Wan and members of her team at Community Youth Center and SVIP as they were engaging the merchants and customers on Leland Avenue. I heard from merchants and residents who feel hopeful seeing the community engagement from CYC and SVIP. It certainly takes a village and we know how to do this in San Francisco. That gives me hope too – because we are making a difference, and residents and merchants are feeling the difference. We are all committed to addressing xenophobia, injustice; and discrimination through our partnerships and investments;

I look forward to continuing this work with Attorney General Bonta who knows how critical these issues are to San Franciscans. I just want to thank him for this effort to listen to the community across the state. As leaders, it’s important that we don’t lose connection with what’s happening in the community around us. The fact that the Attorney General is committed to doing one of these round tables in every large city in the state is key. He’s not waiting for the attack to occur and then to show up afterwards committing to change.

Finally- I also want to thank the San Francisco Police Department, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Community Youth Center, Chinatown Community Development Center for organizing and bringing back Chinatown Night Out this year. This was another exemplary example of how we can work together to keep our community together and safe.

Please add me on WeChat for updates and resources: londonbreed.


London N. Breed, Mayor
