
【洛杉磯訊】華美博物館與華埠圖書館合辦最新一期《兒童故事時間》將於11月17日(星期三)下午4時至4時30分(美國太平洋時間)以視像方式舉行。華埠圖書館兒童圖書管理員羅沛筠 (Rita Law) 將為大家朗讀亞裔作家Gracey Zhang 的作品《拉拉的話》(Lala’s Words) 。

《拉拉的話》是一個關於種植善意的故事。在這個關於善言力量與愛的魔力長青故事中,拉拉的爽朗個性與安靜的同情心令人著迷。該圖書由Gracey Zhang 撰寫及插圖。此故事適合4至8歲兒童,並歡迎所有其他年齡之兒童在父母的陪同中參與。活動以英語進行。

作者Gracey Zhang是一位插畫家和動畫師,她熱愛講故事和詩歌。她在加拿大溫哥華出生成長,並獲得羅德島設計學院插圖學位。她現居於紐約布魯克林,在辦公桌畫圖之餘,她喜歡在火車上欣賞窗外景致。

華美博物館與華埠圖書館合辦的《兒童故事時間》,由羅沛筠為大家朗讀美國亞裔撰寫之故事。特別感謝熊貓快餐贊助此活動。請通過鏈接camla.org/storytime 免費登記參加。關於華美博物館其他活動詳情,請瀏覽網址:www.camla.org

Story Time with the Chinatown Branch Library Series

Join us for “Kid’s Story Time Featuring Asian American Children’s Authors” on Wednesday, November 17 @ 4pm PST. Miss Rita will be reading “Lala’s Words,” a story of planting kindness. Lala’s wild nature and quiet compassion enchant in this evergreen story about the power of kind words and the magic of being loved for who you are. This book is written and illustrated by Gracey Zhang.

This book is suited for 4-8 years old, though we welcome children of all ages with parental supervision.

Kid’s Story Time is hosted in partnership with the Chinatown Branch Library.

About the author Gracey Zhang:

Gracey Zhang is an illustrator and animator with a love of storytelling and verse. She was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, and received her degree in Illustration from RISD. She is now based in Brooklyn, New York, where she can be found window watching from the train when she’s not scribbling away at her desk.

Please register for free now at: www.camla.org/storytime , thank you to the sponsor Panda Express. More details about Chinese American Museum at: www.camla.org
